Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Beauty of Japanese Gardens

Well, we are still digging out after the multiple snowfalls that came through over the last month, but there's been entirely too many snowy pictures posted here for my liking. I started researching Japanese Gardens online to relieve my cabin fever and maybe get some ideas for the garden this Spring. I collected up some of the pictures I found and posted them in an article The Beauty of Japanese Gardens.  There are pictures of Japanese gardens all around the world. 
I have several sections completed in the garden.  It is sort of broken up into separate rooms, and I've worked on completeing a room or two each year. It's getting to look like a whole now. Last year we had some big Summer storms that trashed some sections, but it made us rework some things that look better now.  I know this Spring I will be finishing a bridge I started last year.  I also need to do a small rock garden on a hillside.  Not sure what thats going to turn out like, but I'll need to be rock-hunting again.

So anyway, it's just computer research time. Take a look at the other article if you like, Maybe it'll be what you need to start thinking about garden season too.

The Beauty of Japanese Gardens

1 comment:

  1. They sure are beautiful pictures and the Japanese style ties in so well with woodland gardens. I speak to a woman in Japan on a blog called Through the Sapphire Sky. She goes by Sapphire and I always enjoy her blog and speaking with her. She has some great shots of plants and gardens in Japan. Her blog is found here is you wish to check it out.
    Looks like spring is sprung. Crocuses are blooming like crazy!
